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Inspired by the mathematical brain-teaser Seven Bridges of Königsberg, Haemos is a unique 2D puzzle game that demands logic, foresight and adaptability out of its players. Activate automatons by guiding their eponymous power source through the automatons' systems to charge up its organs. Everything the haemos passes through gets charged by its charge level. Players need to beware, however, of overcharging certain parts of the automatons' systems. Overcharging the links between organs disintegrate those links, making levels more restrictive, while overcharging the organs themselves constitutes an automatic failure. And because haemos cannot travel backwards, players must plan their approach even more wisely. They can do this by utilising the game's plan mode to plan out moves and simulate them. Additional mechanics include valves and anomalies which add layers to the nuanced core gameplay.
Haemos is a prototype in which I was particularly effective at creating explicit puzzles. I actually found that the making of these puzzles was an enjoyable exercise of logic in itself, perhaps even a bigger puzzle than its product. As my intention was to reward logical thought processes and problem solving, I had to make sure every logical move made by the player would never result in a loss. In fact I could boil the game down to having to make choices between logical moves, possibly logical moves and illogical moves. These puzzles are designed to only punish illogical moves and players must be judicious in analysing which moves fall in which category. This also means there are always multiple ways of solving the puzzles, and I am confident that I have done a good job in testing and balancing out these multiple solutions to provide players with a fair challenge throughout.





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